Top 10k strings from Sprite Editor - Demo (1985)(Your Computer).tap
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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4 *********************** 2 wait until stopped 2 ;"Another game?" 2 "Y/N? ";a$ 1 with the character 1 switch off all sprites 1 start sprites moving 1 spritedemo 1 spcg 1 setup multicoloured ink 1 set up sprites 1 set up sprite 1 (ship) 1 set up sprite 1 (ball) 1 set up new asteroid 1 set up asteroid sprites 1 random y movement 1 random x movement 1 program on this tape. 1 now back to start posn. 1 graphic char address 1 generator/editor 1 edge action=continue 1 e$=" " 1 demos were designed 1 collide action=continue 1 c;" ";: 1 by R Newman 1983 1 ball hits bat 1 ball at bottom screen 1 Graphics used in the 1 Char 9 = asteroid 1 Char 8 = spaceship 1 Char 7 = S 1 Char 6 = E 1 Char 5 = T 1 Char 4 = I 1 Char 3 = R 1 Char 2 = P 1 Char 10 = ball 1 Char 1 = S 1 ;"SCORE 0"; 1 ;"Press a key for the next demo." 1 ;"LEAVE TAPE RUNNING" 1 ;"HIGH-SCORE ";hi 1 48K sprite demos 1 **** title demo ******* 1 **** end of game ****** 1 *** end of game ******* 1 *** bat and ball demo * 1 *** asteroid shower *** 1 ''"Press any key for an example." 1 ''"Press a key to start." 1 '"Press any key to start." 1 '"One possible use is to create interesting title displays." 1 '"Key Z sets the ship moving left." 1 '"Key Z moves bat left." 1 '"Key C sets it moving right." 1 '"Key C moves bat right." 1 "shower.Your score increases the longer you avoid being hit." 1 "This program shows some examplesof how sprites can be used in BASIC programs." 1 "The next example shows a simple bat and ball game." 1 "Stop the ball from hitting the bottom of the screen." 1 "List this program to find out how the examples work." 1 "In this game you have to steer your ship through the asteroid" 1 "I hope that these demos have helped to show how sprites can be used in your programs." 1 100 moves 1 activate sprites 1 switch off sprites 1